There are considerable numbers of hydrocarbon oils known as (light hydrocarbons) due to their low specific gravity that are mineral based. Regardless of their source, which has been the subject of speculation, they have been found on Earth, either free or mixed with other mineral substances. The increasing use of these oils makes a large number of derivatives useful for industrial purposes. As a result, it has gained a conciderable place among  mineral products. The next step was the distillation of petroleum, inspite of this, the term naphtha was used to refer to lighter distillates. This term is commonly used to describe a large number of hydrocarbons, while specific gravity is the most general and prominent distinction. When discussing chemical categories certain terms may not be completely accurate or precise. Benzine also called benzole is a term that is commonly used to describr hydrocarbon oils with a specific gravity of 45 to 80 degrees Baume. Gasoline is a term that is exclusively used ti describe oils ranging from 80 degrees Baume upwards to sometimes as high as 90 degrees. The lighter ones are, however, very volatile, and their vapors when mixed with air in the proper proportions to afford complete combustion, are highly explosive. Keep only hermetically sealed containers that are made of material which is impervious to oils and vapors.


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